Now a days the influence of social media like Facebook, Twitter is very high among this new generation people. Analytic status shows that,there is about 835,525,280 active Facebook users and 554,750,000 Twitter users in worldwide. Thousands of new users are signing up in every hour. They are more interested to get more friends, chat with them and share the contents.
Social media addiction is just spread as virus among adult or a matured people to even school students. They spent lot of hours in front of such websites. Posting new personal photos, posting some entertaining news, creating Facebook pages, sharing contents are the main activity that people are more interested.
Here I can help you all to get real Facebook Likes for your Photos, Posts, Links, Websites, pages, get Followers etc. One thing you should have is a active Facebook profile. Users that don't have any profile can Sign Up here. Next step is to sign up by clicking the URL FACEBOOK LIKE. You will be directed to a new window having website named LIKESASAP. Now you are at the edge of getting the real fun. How much Likes you get depend on how much points you have earned. Now you have to add your Facebook page, posts, photos or anything to get like.
How to Earn Points
Use Your Facebook Profile.
1.You can earn point simply by liking others Facebook page that is given in your LIKESASAP profile, you get as much you like. Use that point to get likes for you by adding anything like your Facebook page, posts, photos, twitter followers and so on as in image showed below.
2. Liking others recommended posts and photos are the other sours of earning points. This is the high profit method than any other options that may given to you.
See: How To Delete All Facebook Messages In a Single Click
See: How To Delete All Facebook Messages In a Single Click
3. You can also choose Youtube Likes, Youtube Dislikes, Surfing Websites, Watching videos, and so on for earning more points. You will get Additional 100 point when you hit 25 likes per day.
4. Now the final step is to set cpp. You can set to the desired limit, higher the cpp value higher will be the rate of Likes per minutes. Also you can buy the points from their site.