Make Real Money With Your Blog / Website - Bidvertiser #1 Google Adsense Replacer

Now a days there are many ways of earning money via online. The Advertisement, share market, Gambling, Surveys are at the best among many. These all are categorized into two zone, one need the initial investment and the second doesn't need. Share market, Gambling are first category and the Advertisement-Publisher and Survey belong to second category. First I've prefer the second one when I have got no initial investment, particularly the Advertisement. There are a lot of people who get the money through it. All they need is a Website or a Blog. Here I share the method on how to earn money through Bidvertiser a #1 Adsense replacer

bidvertiser-make money online-by-your-blog-or website [Techzilla Firefox]

About Bidvertiser

Bidvertiser is a website which is the #1 replacer of Google Adsense. This is a advertisement promoting site having billion of active Advertisers and Publishers. Advertiser are those who give the advertisement to promote their products, getting sale and so on, while Publisher is you means who put/promote the advertisement via their blog or website. If you really need to make money with your blog, Bidvertiser is the choice until you got Google Adsense. This site will pay based on cpm (Click Per Impression). Higher the traffic , you will get more money. In addition to each valid click on your advertisement they will provide you some extra point Revenue Point which is the combination of your [Total Impression+Views]. If you really need to put some extra money in your pocket just follow.......


Sign Up for a Publisher Account Here.

You will get a confirmation mail in your mail id that you have chosen while sign up. 

Click to confirm and Log In toBidvertiser using your Username and Password.

Select add new website ---> Enter your website details and submit it.

bidvertiser-make money online-by-your-blog-or website [Techzilla Firefox]

Now come back to Publisher centre ---> click choose template. Here you can set which sized Ad are you looking. You can choose Banner, Mobile, Rectangle, Skyscape.

bidvertiser-make money online-by-your-blog-or websites [Techzilla Firefox]
Add caption

Now click Getcode, and copy that.

Open your Blog and select Layout--->Select Add Gadget--> Select 
HTML/Javascript. Now paste the code and click SAVE. 

Now your advertisement will start to show up for your visitors and you will get the real money.

bidvertiser-make money online [Techzilla Firefox]

CAUTION: For withdraw the money you must have a PayPal Account so must follow this two
         How To Create A PayPal Account For All Online Money Transaction.
         How To Verify or Link Your PayPal Account With Your Bank.